Thursday, June 28, 2007

"The fastest draw is when the sword never leaves the scabbard,
The strongest way to block, is never to provoke a blow,
And the cleanest cut is the one withheld."



Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My approach to starting a school

Here's my approach. Before I even have a physical location, I want to have a client list. So when I open the doors, I already have money coming in. It's one thing to already have people your working with and start a school, but it's another to not have anyone and open one.


Friday, June 15, 2007

One thing my instructor recommended is that I start a school, then six months later adopt the Villari system as the Villari system. Basically, they don't want me to infringe on the Villari name. If I run it as a shaolin kempo karate school that's fine.
